Thursday, June 11, 2015

My small research about Jeffrey Harbach

Austin-based Venture Capital & Private Equity Investor and Mentor Jeffrey Harbach works with other entrepreneurs to help them achieve personal success, based on his countless roster of professional roles and associations.

He has worked as a General Partner with seed-stage VC firm Hurt+Harbach, Executive Director of the Central Texas Angel Network and a member of Austin’s Entrepreneurs Organization. Harbach also co-founded Texas Venture Labs in 2009, a University of Texas/Austin campus-wide initiative designed to accelerate start-ups looking to raise capital and bring their innovations to market, while transforming graduate students into future entrepreneurs and business leaders.

In addition, he has worked as COO of The Private Club Network, the largest reciprocal network of private country clubs in the world; Director of Residences & Concierge Services for The Markers Golfer’s Residence Club; and as an entrepreneur, since 2002, he has owned two 7-Eleven stores in Las Vegas.

Harbach also serves as a member of the Board of Directors for McCombs Venture Fellows, which provides select McCombs School of Business MBA students the opportunity to work with venture capital and private equity funds as part of their curriculum. He also maintains an Advisory Board Member post with Fat Tire Bike Tours, which provides English-speaking visitors guided tours of such destinations as Paris, Berlin, Barcelona and London. Additionally, Harbach is a Member of the Board of Trustees for The YCG Enhanced Fund (YCGEX).

A Kauffman Fellow, Harbach earned an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business, where he served as Director of its Venture Fellows program and Co-Founder of Texas Venture Labs. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management/Information Systems from Brigham Young University.

He is married with four daughters, and enjoys sports and outdoor activities, particularly golf and tennis. He also serves as an ecclesiastical leader in his church.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Resume Tips and Commonly Asked Questions!

Resume Tips and Commonly Asked Questions!
Why in the world did Boomsa do that to my resume?????
Here are a couple things that are good to know, coming from someone who has written tens of thousands of resumes and is a recruiter full time (and has hired over 12,115 employees as of June 2015!!!)

  1. 1.       The template/format you received, works – MIRACLES.  Do NOT create a PDF document out of this either – some older applicant tracking systems cannot parse or upload PDF files and coming from a recruiter, we hate getting them – some hiring managers we send your information to don’t even have Adobe installed to view it.  You are better off sticking with Word.
  2. 2.       Do not get this resume “designed”.  You now have very solid content in a format that parses perfectly.  Resumes with 2 columns and super fancy pictures can be viewed as trying to overcompensate for experience – it’s better to have solid content.
  3. 3.       Why isn’t my resume only one page? Aren’t those better?  NO, NO, NO!!! Maybe 15 years ago when applicants had to fax in resumes and the 2nd page got lost; but not now – showcase your skills and it’s hard to do this with only a page (this is in about 90% of cases, some professions can use 1 page resumes, or newer graduates)
  4. 4.       Why don’t you include a header/footer?  Because not all HR systems can parse personal information into them, and it looks better without your personal information in that type of format
  5. 5.       Location…  I live in a HUGE city, and recruit for a HUGE company who has many different locations.  If I see someone applying to my location but lives 30 miles away, I will pass.  What you can do on your resume is not list your zip code and just list the city, state J to get past this, if you don’t mind the commute!  So, if you are in a big city, leave off your physical address and just list the City, State and NO zip code J
  6. 6.       Resumes are not a list of duties/tasks, but a list of accomplishments!  This is why you see me adding things to your bullets – show how what you did helped the company!
  7. 7.       Why the volunteer work?  Why the activities/interests?  I want to know someone I am going to hire is human.  I LOVE animals, so when I see SPCA, own 2 golden retrievers, love cats, etc. – they have reeled me in and I’ll probably set them up with one of our Directors for an interview if I like them over the phone.  I work for one Director who absolutely LOVES Disney.  I had a (non-qualified) candidate who wrote that she volunteered at Disney one summer – she got the interview, and the job!!!
  8. 8.       Isn’t my resume too much – do I seem too good or is it just over the top?  NO!  You have to brag on a resume. 
  9. 9.       Read the interview tips I sent as well, they work! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

How Robin Williams started

Realization. One of the things that you probably don’t know about Robin Williams is that he was very overweight as a child. This results to the situation that nobody would play with him and so he started to talk in different voices just to entertain himself.
In 2001, an interview was held on “Inside the Actors Studio”. He credited his beloved mom as being a very vital influence for his sense of humor. This is because as a child, he always tried to make her mother laugh in order to gain attention for him. He also noted “that’s where it all started”.

My childhood was lonely. Both my parents were away a lot, working, and the maid basically raised me. And I think that's where a lot of my comedy comes from. Not only was the maid very funny and witty, but when my mother came home, I'd use humour to try and get her attention. If I made mommy laugh, then maybe everything would be all right. I think that's where it all started.”

Early influences. Robin has given credits to several comics that has roused and affected him. This includes Peter Sellers, Jonathan Winters, Lenny Bruce, and Nichols & May. He acknowledged them for being able to pull more of scholarly people by using a larger amount of wit. He also enjoyed Sid Caesar whose demonstrations he felt were “valuable” and also Jay Leno for his abruptness in promoting lobbing satire schedules.

As a person whom William first saw on TV when he was still 8, Jonathan Winters eventually turned into his “idol” ahead of schedule in life. All through his profession, Robin has always paid him tribute in meetings. Winter’s resourcefulness was what made Williams motivated. Robin even acknowledged Winters that anything is clever and anything is conceivable. He further noted that Winters has provided him with the thought that anything can be free-structure which means anyone can go “done” and be finished with things with less effort.
He told British TV host Sir Michael Parkinson amid a meeting in London last 2002 that he was greatly affected by Richard Pryor, a humorist. It’s because of his brave capacity to discuss his personal life in front of the people as his audience. Discussions include his utilization of liquor and medication. Williams was influenced to include those sorts of things into his own performances. By doing such thing, he was able to repress his feelings and vitality which he told Parkinson that it was “less expensive than treatment”.

He further told Parkinson that Peter Sellers also provided him with an impact specifically in Dr. Strangelove where there are multi-character parts. Robin also claimed his not so common in recording of Goon Shows, Sellers’ initial radio show.

His break.  When Williams first entered the world of stand-up comedy, He said that “Stand-up is the place where you can do things that you could never do in public. Once you step on stage you're licensed to do that. It's an understood relationship. You walk on stage - it's your job.”

Williams began his career after his whole family moved to Marin County. In the mid-1970s, he did stand-up comedy shows in the San Francisco Bay Area. His very first performance as a stand-up comedian took place at the Holy City Zoo, one of the comedy clubs in San Francisco. He didn’t come as a stand-up comedian immediately. He first served as bartender and worked his way up to the stage.

Robin Williams once said “I started doing comedy because that was the only stage that I could find. It was the pure idea of being on stage. That was the only thing that interested me, along with learning the craft and working, and just being in productions with people.”
Going back a decade before that time, 1960s was San Francisco’s time when it became center for hippies, rock music, sexual revolution, and drugs. It was when Williams became a stand-up comedian in 1970s that he helped lead San Francisco to its “comedy renaissance”. This is according to critic Gerald Nachman.

Williams said that during that period, he found out about “drugs and happiness” and how he saw the best brains of his time has turned into mud.

After San Francisco, Robin proceeded to Los Angeles where he continued doing stand-up shows at several clubs. It was 1977 in Comedy Club where George Schlatter, a TV producer, discovered him. Realizing that Williams would have a bright future in show business, George Schlatter invited him to be on a revival of his show “Laugh-In”. This particular show became Robin’s debut TV appearance airing in late 1977. Williams also had a performance at the La Improv for Home Box Office (HBO) at the same year.

Unfortunately, the “Laugh-in” revival failed. On the bright side, it led Williams into his television career. In that period, he still continued doing stand-up comedy at various comedy clubs. He did this to make his skills in improvisation shape.

After developing his improvisational style as a stand-up comedian, Robin Williams landed in Mork and Mindy, his own television show.

Producer Garry Marshall told him to sit down when he auditioned for the role of Mork. Robin just sat on his head on the chair. Saying “he was the only alien who auditioned”, Marshall hired him.

It was in 1997 when Robin Williams was voted funniest man alive by Entertainment Weekly.

In 1978, during the making of Mork & Mindy, Williams always ignored the scripts and had fibbed most of the time. He did it so well that the producers stopped trying to make him specific scripts and making him stick to it. They just purposely left some gaps in the next scripts and left words such as “Mork can go off here” and let Williams do his own improvisations.

Prince Robin Williams Introduction

First of all, I thank and congratulate you for watching my blog, insert title here. It is such a great honor to have someone like you who have made the right decision in purchasing this book. Truly, this book will be your ultimate biography about Robin Williams.

Williams is one of the biggest celebrities which have been around, touching lives, for many decades now. He has started as a stand-up comedian in San Francisco and his talent and skills have delivered him to the top of stardom.

If you are curious as to how he has attained his reputation, don’t worry because this book has got your back. Later, you will know the full story of Robin and this book will guide you each way as to how he took his journey to the top of the industry.

The most compelling aspect of this book is the details. The first chapter alone which tackles the “basic facts about the creative genius” will give you comprehensive information about his birth, his family, the schools he attended, his marriage life, and more!

The second chapter will cover “how he started”. You already have the idea that he first performed as a stand-up comedian. But the question is how did he realize that he has this skill? What drove him to make people laugh? Did he want to make someone laugh when he was still young? All of this will be answered in the second chapter as it will tackle on Williams’ way to the mainstream industry.

The third chapter will tackle on the ways that he changed our lives. Many regard him as a “man with many lives”. It’s true because Williams indeed played many roles which we saw in real life. Many people have “grown up with him”.  Williams is truly a man who has been a part in many people’s childhood and has become their companion as they are growing up. Now what are the ways that Williams has affected our lives?

As a famous actor, Williams also impacted his famous lines from different TV shows, especially in movies which, in so many ways, touched us with their meanings. Get ready as you will reminisce on his most famous and memorable lines he has ever spoken all throughout his career.

And the last chapter will focus on the question “why we will always remember him?” There are actually many reasons as to why he will stay perpetually in our lives and this chapter will discuss on two of the main reasons.

High Personal Energy Announces Launch Revealing the Secrets of Having Incredible Amounts of Natural Energy

With the right amount of energy nearly anything is possible.  Without it even the smallest tasks can be incredibly difficult. is a new website focused on revealing the inside secrets of having abundant energy drawn from diet and natural sources.  Early visitors have been quick to give it a full endorsement.

Experts agree one of the most common problems a large number of people face is a lack of energy.  The problem's roots can come from many sources, like poor diet, lack of exercise, over-reliance on caffeine and other stimulants, but the end result is the same – a person hardly able to achieve peak performance at home, at work or in other important areas of life.  High Personal Energy is a new website launched to help solve this problem, providing tips, ideas and access to a great resource, the book “Healthy Living” by Rainer Moehring, that have all been shown to deliver high personal energy fast.

“I followed a normal diet and just couldn't understand why my energy levels were so low,”  remarked the owner of the informative website.  “After doing deep research things became clear.  We are largely misled in important areas of health, but the truth is out there.  High Personal Energy is all about providing the kind of advice that can absolutely life changing.”

According to the website, serious benefits can be seen without making radical changes like giving up eating meat or adopting other radical diet plans.  It's all about making small changes following their inside information and seeing them through.  The end results have proven to be dramatic again and again.

Guests of the site agree.

John M., from Illinois, recently commented, “I visited High Energy Living and was intrigued by what I read and ordered Healthy Living.  This book has changed my life.  In the month I've been following its program my energy levels are through the ceiling.  Highly recommended!”

Action Plan to Achieve Personal Immortality

Action Plan to Achieve Personal Immortality

Plan A – Defeating Aging
Plan B – Cryonics
Plan C – Digital Immortality
Plan D – Immortality on its Own

Explanation: Each plan comes into play in the event of the failure of the previous one; that is, if you cannot live up to immortality, then it is necessary to freeze the body, and if this is not possible, then - digital immortality. And if that does not work, it is hoped that maybe there is immortality by itself. But at the same time, each of the first three plans needs to be prepared simultaneously and in parallel, as we do not know what will happen. This map is a certain simplification of the situation created for ease of use, and a more complete description of it can be found in the book "Immortality" by A. Turchin.

Titles are marked with blue for personal efforts and green for public, which can be realized only in the group. Yellow highlights hypothetical possibilities that do not depend on our actions. This map was created with the assistance of Michael Batin, supported by Dmitry Kamensky in 2012-2014.


Scientifically- proven Methods of Life Extension
·         Running and sports, communication, and risk aversion
·         Nutrition and vegetables without red meat
·         Metformin and other candidates; geroprotectors (+ supplements)
·         Medical insurance in a quality clinic with coverage of at least 1 million dollars
·         Full scan of the body once a year
·         23andme + proteomics
·         Reduced weight, blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol
·         Do not smoke, drink, or overeat
·         Caring family or group associates; personal physician
·         A safe country

Increasing Self-Effectiveness
·         Focus on achieving immortality
·         Accumulating at least a million dollars for the purchase of super technology
·         Making friends with scientists in the field of biology
·         Self-education in the field of biotech, Brain Science;  read “Longecity”
·         Positive and rational mirvozrenie

Starting a Longevity Movement
·         Be an example
·         Talk about the importance of immortality and write texts
·         Groups of like-minded individuals
·         Pickets at the White House and other street art
·         Parties and lobbying
·         Show, women, and vau-effekt

Signing of a Cryo Contract
·         Registration and payment of the contract
·         Wearing a cryo identification tag
·         Persuading relatives that cryonics is necessary

Starting a Cryocompany
·         Cryonics promotion
·         Investments in cryo-business and cryobiology
·         Demonstrating proof of cryonics on protozoans

Gathering Information about Yourself
·         Continuous video recording
·         Special questionnaires,  diaries, memoirs,  drawings,  complex creative objects
·         Collecting EEGs and other data about the brain
·         Saving own DNA

Immortality Copies in Parallel Worlds
·         One of the options : quantum immortality
·         Cryonics is much more likely
·         If the universe is infinite, there is always a world where I did not die
Resurrection by the future Super AI
·         Live an interesting and important life
·         The stronger the AI, the less information it needs to accurately resurrect
·         Investing in creating friendly AI


Treating Aging
·         Medicines that slow down the aging process
·         Delivery of longevity genes
·         Participation in clinical trials
·         Correction of accumulated damage (SENS)
·         Accurate medicine - treatment of the disease as a scientific task
·         Portable security systems and resuscitation

Organ Replacement
·         Management, repair, and regeneration of stem cells
·         Transgenic stem cell treatment

Research Funding
·         Forming social mandates
·         Inclusion in government programs and the requirements of the WHO
·         Persuasion of billionaires
·         Crowd-funding of scientific projects
·         Money from pharmaceutical companies
·         New directions for technical gigatov (Google)
·         Startups and investing - Prospects razbogateniya
·         Rebranding Aging ("prevention of diseases vozrastozavisimyh")
·         Insurance and the pension system - to their advantage
·         Conversion of Military Studies (DARPA)

Successful Cryopreservation
·         Living near a cryoinfirmary; cryopreservation
·         Trustees
·         Cryonics crew on standy

Legalization of Cryonics
·         The adoption of laws on worldwide cryonics
·         Legalization of cryo-euthanasia
·         State support
·         Guarantee of indefinite long storage

External Memory
·         Cloud services
·         Durable optical discs (eternal M disks)
·         Create digital "treasures" and underground treasures

Technological Singularity
·         The emergence of super-intelligence in our lifetime
·         The sharp acceleration of progress
·         New ideas to extend the life

Scientific Experiments
·         The discovery of the biomarkers of aging and use them to test therapies
·         Creating ageless animals
·         Gene delivery, life-prolonging
·         Drug screening
·         Organ transplantation between clones
·         Data analysis using specialized AI (Deep Learning)
·         Management of microbiota
·         Control of the body on the basis of maps and genomic signaling of network pathways


A New Body
·         Transplanting cloned bodies
·         Artificial organs
·         Growing a body clone for transplantation instead of the old body
·         Nano-machinery for treatment of injuries and cyborgization cells
·         "Head Professor Dole" - sustain life outside the body of the brain

Long-term Storing
·         Financial, legal, and organizational stability
·         Storage technology without complex service

Scientific Studies
·         Development of cryoprotectants
·         Reversible freezing of animals, human organs and tissues of the brain
·         Cryo-reanimation of the wounded
·         Chemical fixation

·         Active avatar on social networks
·         Virtual Assistant
·         Merging with the avatar

Simulating with Immortality
·         Perhaps we live in a computer simulation computer
·         Some simulations model immortality (the after-life)

Introduction into Clinical Practice
·         Accelerate the creation of clinical trials and the approval of new drugs to the FDA
·         Reducing the cost of introducing drugs
·         Lobbying and participation in elections
·         Recognition of aging disease
·         Legalization of cloning and transplanting heads
·         Create an infrastructure of aging treatment

Cyborgization of the Brain
·         Neuro-implants that transmit information from the brain and to the brain
·         Control of gene expression in the neurons
·         Nano-robots in brain tissue
·         Bioengineering neurons
·         Backing up information from the brain
·         Gradual transfer of personality to your computer

Reanimation Technologies
·         Scanning tomography, scanning layering slices, mapping the connectome
·         Nano-robots for the restoration of cells
·         Defrost and recovery of neuronal activity

Reconstruction of the Identity of the Deceased
·         Using AI to analyze information
·         Construction of a more accurate model of personality
·         Solving the problem of identical copies

Restoring Viability or Downloading to the Computer
·         Controlled defrosting  with correcting damage
·         Transfer of information from the brain to the computer
·         Correction of errors due to digital immortality

Humanity Uniting in the name of Immortality
·         Political power supporters of prolonging life
·         Prevention of global risks
·         Using AI to develop methods of prolonging life
·         Creating friendly AI
·         Creating AI that is capable of self-improvement and superior humans
·         One, the world's AI, managing the development of civilization

Reading Information from the Past
·         Access to the past thanks to the discovery of new physical effects (quantum teleportation, time machine)
·         Restoring individual on the basis of this information

Immortality Through the Merger with Super AI
·         Loading of the person on the computer
·         Increased intelligence, adding new capabilities
·         Integration with other personalities: a single memory
·         Expanding the scope of possible experience, and qualitatively new experiences: an incredible pleasure
·         Creation of simulations and life to them in the form of an avatar
·         Integration with artificial intelligence in a single creature civilization
·         The resurrection of all the dead
·         The development of the solar system, the creation of Dyson sphere, flying to the stars
·         Development of the Galaxy and the transformation of all matter in the computing environment
·         The merger with the universe, the victory over the "heat death"